Thursday, 5 December 2013

SWIM SAFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Monday room8 and I have been doing swim safe. I will tell you all about it. First we leant how to do the safe entry. Second we learnt to do the backstroke and freestyle stroke. My favourite part was the free swim because we got to do anything we wanted. Third we did sculling arms to keep us floating. If you ever do swim safe please remember to leave a comment on what you have learnt.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

My faveite

1. My favorite sport on the athletics day was the long jump because I was good at it and I had a good style  

2. My favorite experiment in Science was making the sherbet. It was delicious, kind of sweet and sour.

3. My favorite fact Ii learnt about animals is that the megaldon is the biggest shark around and that it is nearly  extinct.

4. My favorite teacher this year is Mrs Hood

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Room 8 term 3 Reflection

Hi, have a good day. This post is going to BLOW you away, SWOSH. Have you made a Taniwha before? A Taniwha is a monster in a Maori legend. I have made one before. You will need  black and white piece of paper,  red, blue, yellow and black dye. This is my drawingof this scary monster.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Bean Experiment


In room 8 we have bean doing a bean experiment. We first stared to just have one seed on a wet piece of paper.

Then the next day we put the wet piece of paper at the bottom but not the seed, then soil in a cup and put our finger in it and planted our seed in last.You must put it in a place where the sun is.

 We also made a maze for the bean I bet that it is going to go in and out of the maze and out the top of the box..

Sunday, 1 September 2013

cheerleading Gymsport Competition

On Wednesday we did a cheerleading dance competition. We came second. I was so excited, I even cried. I am called a Glory Girl. The words to the song go: I'm on the age of glory and I'm hanging on this moment with you. I'm on the Edge of Glory.....
We had a lovely sparkly skirt and a bright top with a V for Vardon on it.

Magical Kites

This is my magical lantern kite. Watch out, it will blow you away. It's ok it won't actually blow you away. We read a story about a little boy who lived in a tiny remote village in China. Li Cuxin went to school at the age 7. One day some people came in the class that Li Cuxin was in and they chose him to go to a ballet school in Beijing.  Li had to leave his family. He said to his mother "can you come too, please come with me." His mother said "it's your only chance and he accepted it and  went.

 At the dance school he practised all night and day. Then one day some one fromAmerica came and said how about you come to America to dance  and he accepted this offer and went. He then became a world famous dancer.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013


I think culture means  that you are different to everyone else. There is no one like you.
And EXPECIALLY the countries you live in, their language  and their celebrations.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Term 2 Reflection

 I enjoyed the trashion  show because of the fluro group's costume that sparkled under lights .My favourite one was the Ice Queen.  It was moving in the air and that made it eye catching.

One thing I found challenging in Gymsport was my backwards rolls because I hurt  my back and my neck.

One goal I want to achieve is to learn my times tables in maths because I don't even know my ten times tables properly.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Arbor day

On Arbor Day we planted lots of trees one of my team mates planted 30 and I planted 20 trees. BUT... SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED. Izzy's spade crashed on her foot by accident when we had finished we got our own tree to plant that was an exciting day for everyone.

Arbor Daytastic 2013 on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

wacky hiar day

On wacky hair day we were allowed to were something wacky in our hair. This is a picture of  someone who was super wacky. She has 4 bracelets  and a  ribbon in her hair. Guess who it is? 

Monday, 27 May 2013

On Saturday after our soccer game I went to the Armageddon expo. I bought a few charms and a bracelet.

I also tried out the Bungee Trampoline. Which was AWESOME!! Check it out. LOOK I can do a backwards flip. 

Then we watched an ice-cream eating contest and after that I got a free choc bar ice-cream. 

It was an AWESOME day out!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Room 8's museum trip!

On Friday room8 and I  went to the museum. We learn't all about fashion!  First you have to have and idea then you draw it  and make it out of paper. The last thing is to start building like this one. Her model is called the Lady of wood . We even  got  to  make a Head piece. It was super ... awesome but when we came out it was raining.  


Poetry Week - A limerick.

There was a young lady from Leeds
Who swallowed a package of seeds.
Now this sorry young lass
Is quite covered in grass,
But has all the tomatoes she needs.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


In Danish Rounders we have to run all four of the Bases  and  so we have to touch the bases with our foot on the base. It is so fun. I  ran so fast I got  round and scored  a home run before the 3 balls were returned to the hoop. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

mamrite is back

 Marmit facts .
1. Marmite has been made for over 100 years.
2. The factory  was destroyed in christchurch  because there was an  earthaquqake ... but in the last few weeks it has been back n the 3.   supermarket shelves..
 Did you know that mirmite is a vegetarian spread.

I relly relly really like marmite .

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Me Posters

Mrs Hood is new to our class so we are doing Me posters so she gets to know us. On the poster you have to tell what you want to be when you get older. My wishes are1. to be a dentist, 2. a scientist and lucky last to be a Merfairy. A Merfairy is a cross between a mermaid and a fairy.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Monday, 11 March 2013


On Friday it was our assembly and we got the class award. I shared my me bag we had 2 songs the first one was never say never . The 2nd one was called will i am .We all so did the Harlem shake 
it was so FUNNY.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


My favourite part at camp was the slip n slide it had water and dish washing liquid on it. We went swish across the slip n slide it was slippery.