Wednesday, 5 November 2014

How To Play Silent Ball

Title: How To Play Silent Ball 

Goal: This is a good game to play on a rainy day with your class

.A soft small ball 
.(10-20) players                                

  1. All the players need to spread out around the room.
  2. The player with the ball gets to throw first but silently
  3. You must throw under arm and don't throw silly or the person is out.
4. when the last to players are still standing make it even harder for them like stand on one leg or throw and catch with one arm. 

evaluation: Silent ball is a great game to play inside or outside and the rules still apply if you are playing outside.   

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Room 8's asembely

In term 4 on Friday the 19th room 8  was having their first Assembly . I thought that it will  be hard but really it wasn't .When it was my turn to speak I got butterflies in my tummy  since I was first to share I talked about swim for life . My favorite part was the play at the end.My mum,ankle, and untie can to watch. My mum said to me and Aidan that we did really well and that we are going to have a treat when we get home.We did some songs too called we are done and Geronimo.  

we are done
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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>   

Thursday, 25 September 2014

My Term 3 Reflection

In term 3 room 8 and I have being doing some fun writing, reading and maths. My favorite was doing the quick writes. Here is an example:

 the exhausted Bengal tiger passed out in it's cage.

 And my favorite part of maths is ... measurement in temperature. Did you know at the moment the temperature  is 12 degree Celsius.
My favorite part of reading is the performing plays. My group did one yesterday HOW WANTS TO BE A SUPER FLOWER and it was a big success.

In swimming i really in joyed going on the hydro - slide on our last day I didn't want to go on my own I went twice with someone and once on my own.
I hope we have good term next term good luck everyone for next term and have a fun and safe holiday

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Underwater camera

In room8 we went to water world and I brought my underwater camera and I took some under water photos and gave it to my teacher Mrs Hood on a usbe.I had fun going underwater and tacking the pitchers.My friends Jayden, Armile,Alezae,Saskia,and Aidan and so much more people got a tern to we had lots of fun at waterworld. 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

fireman saves a kitten

One day lots of firemen came to a house fire to extinguish it . But before they left the house they did one final check for any people still surviving. They didn't find anyone, but they did find an unconscious kitten lying desperately on floor. The fireman rushed to the fire engine to get water and a oxygen pump. They put the oxygen pump on the kittens mouth and splashed water on it. It sprung back to life and excitedly let out a soft meow.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

swim 4 life

Every day in week 8 of term 4 Room 8  and I walk down to water world.
Then Mrs Hood goes to the front desk and signs Room 8 in.
After that Room 8 takes a dip and starts the learning how to survive in the pool. Here are some pictures of  Room 8 taking a dip.

And know here are some of pitchers of some underwater pitchers that i took.

Adam .

Jayden .

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

show not tell

Room 8 and I are learning to show the pitchers in our sentences not telling boring sentences like this.

The fox jumped over the fence.

Insist that boring here is  a better one.

The extraordinary brown fox jumped over a tall green fence.

try make this sentence.

Santa claws was late for charisma . Good luck. 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

student lead conference

Last night I had my student lead conference .
At first I felt scared and nervous.
My mum said her favorite part of learning was my kite poster for my calender art .
My dads favorite part was my pelican writing and my masquerade mask.
My sisters favorite part of learning was all of my maths. Mileka loved the fractions. Her favorite shape now is a cube. 
At the end of my conference I felt proud and extremely happy about myself.


Cross country

Room 8 and I are training for cross country.
 I can only do 2 or 3 laps a day.
 I go huff and puff just after 1 lap.
How many can you do? Jayden can do at least 5 or 6 laps of our field.
The whole school will be doing cross country at 29 of August.


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Circuit poem

             Circuits are when I exercise my body.

             I see running skipping jumping and kicking .

             I hear music and people running.

             I smell sweat coming from my body.

             I touch the sand as I do the bench jumps.


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

matariki celebration

Matariki celebrates the Maori new year to celebrate this special day we made Matariki 7 stars posters weaved flax flowers and prepared a delicious  hangi. a hangi is food cooked in the ground and very hot Cole In our hangi we had pork chicken caret potato Qumran and pumpkin i hope we get to get to do this again next year.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Mask Reflection

Room 8 is doing masks. To make our mask we  had to cut out strips of paper and put it around a cardboard circle it has to be strong because you are going to put things on it and also paint it.If you have done that part you are up to features from paper.First we are going to do the eyes to do the eyes you need to rip a piece of paper and roll it into a ball then put medium strip of paper over the ball then do it one more time.Now i am going to talk throw the nose. Get a BIG long strip of paper and rap it around and around then stick it on the mask and put paper on to stick it on.Now for the mouth get some paper and make a happy face then put it on the mask and strip paper across the mouth.If you have done that it will look like this.Now you are ready to paint you mask you can paint it any kind of pain you want to.Here is some photos of room8's masks

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

build your wild self

onomatopoeia poem

The ocean
splashing waves
crashing into rocks
swishing flippers of the sea diver
chatting dolphin
blob,blob,blob of the snapper
Screeching seagulls

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


Imagination is ... fiction , not true,crazy, funny,scary, crazy. Now I will give you an idea - a murefairy  I created murfairys. In my imagination poster  have drawn a murfairy, my mummy and Rapunzel's tower with Rapunzel in it.I love to draw crazy things!


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

cinquain poem

A cinquain  poem is a 5 lined poem  like this


                                   vampire teeth

                               glow worms shine bright


Waitomo Glowworm Caves


Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Everyday before lunch room8 and I go swimming in the school pool. My swim instructor is the best.  She helps me with my swimming skills in the pool. I am learning to float on my back.