Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Mask Reflection

Room 8 is doing masks. To make our mask we  had to cut out strips of paper and put it around a cardboard circle it has to be strong because you are going to put things on it and also paint it.If you have done that part you are up to features from paper.First we are going to do the eyes to do the eyes you need to rip a piece of paper and roll it into a ball then put medium strip of paper over the ball then do it one more time.Now i am going to talk throw the nose. Get a BIG long strip of paper and rap it around and around then stick it on the mask and put paper on to stick it on.Now for the mouth get some paper and make a happy face then put it on the mask and strip paper across the mouth.If you have done that it will look like this.Now you are ready to paint you mask you can paint it any kind of pain you want to.Here is some photos of room8's masks